Sad to say, the economic environment is toxic these days with failing banks and monstrous bail outs just to try to keep the economy going. So what would you call a find that found one can get a pretty dress for just USD$5.50 each (below):
I would call that an environmentally (economics speaking) friendly find. 6 dresses for $55 or just $5.50 each. That is just what the economy needs. And you can these wholesale clothing. Just what the econonomic environment needs, clothing wholesale.
Everyone knows the familiar symbol for recycle - 3 arrows. But the 3R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) is in reducing order of desirability. For example, recycling greeting cards may be a good practice, but recycling uses lots of water, chemicals and energy, produces secondary pollution like ink in the wastewater, etc.. Directly reusing greeting card is more desirable (see Envirocard). So you see Enviroman clothing himself with a single arrow to represent direct REUSE. Maybe that sinle arror is a better symbol to convey the message than the now wll known 3 arrows symbol. BTW you are free to use the graphic of Enviroman. A link back to us will be highly appreciated.
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